Sleep apnea refers to a sleeping disorder that occurs when breathing is interrupted during sleep. Although sleep apnea is a common condition, many people who have it are undiagnosed. According to, about 80% of people with sleep apnea are undiagnosed. Although men have a higher propensity of getting sleep apnea than women, the disorder can affect anyone. Here are three signs you need to see a snoring specialist for sleep apnea.
Noisy sleep is a sign that you need to see a specialist for sleep apnea. It's an indication that your upper airway is obstructed. However, not all noisy sleepers have sleep apnea. It would be best to ask your bed partner or anyone in your family to listen to your snore or snorts. If the noises are punctured by pauses in breathing, you likely have sleep apnea. The pauses indicate apnea episodes which may recur many times during sleep. A snoring specialist may recommend you CPAP equipment to prevent sleep apnea and eliminate snoring.
One should have a restful sleep throughout the night to help the body reboot properly. It's normal to have a few restless sleep episodes. If the episodes are numerous and recurrent, you need to see a snoring specialist for sleep apnea. People with apnea usually show signs of restless sleep by constantly tossing and turning. Struggling to breathe at night while sleeping causes brief awakenings that lead to kicking, thrashing, and waking up in weird positions. If you have sleep apnea, wearing CPAP equipment when sleeping can eliminate disruptions caused by sleep apnea and help you sleep better.
After a long night's sleep, one should be alert and energetic. If you're having enough sleep but still feeling tired every day, the issue could be sleep apnea. Lacking enough sleep because of the disorder will make you less productive and more irritable during the day. You'll tend to dose off or lose concentration. Lack of sleep also weakens the immune system. Consider making an appointment with a snoring specialist.
Sleep is vital for your general health and well-being. If you have any of these warning signs, book an appointment with a sleep specialist for sleep apnea today. The specialist may give you CPAP equipment to prevent your sleep apnea.
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